End Result

Our end result is the TAO Programming Model. It starts from defining software as a set of Application Contexts that an application will go through or allow, using the TAO Trigram as the basis for the definition:

  • Term
  • Action
  • Orient(ation)

From their the application is built creating code that sets Application Contexts as signals into a Network and creating handlers that attach to the Network as either:

This programming model is designed around building Reactive applications that are scalable and resilient while being decoupled and focused on the evolution of applications.

In other words, adding features and functionality use a common built-in mechanism to the Programming Model that provide consistency across the entire life of the application.

With the TAO Programming Model, we are able to realize the following benefits:

Business-first Messaging Pattern

You realize that the TAO Programming Model with its use of Trigrams provides the first business-first message pattern. Because the concept of Trigrams came from Application Contexts which came from how to describe the software from a requirements perspective that can translate to engineers, the TAO Programming Model is the first outright messaging pattern defined from the start to describe Domain Models and use Business Language from the Domain Model.

Translating to Code

So you have an Event System that is also way beyond the events you're used to. But this is good. You're following successful patterns that have proven useful by making the platform event-based at the same time you've made those events more descriptive and universal. You're providing a single common extension point mechanism to build anything for your applications while making the Platform's callbacks more powerful.

Stepping back upstream a little, you realize the impact this could have. Because the event mechanism came in a straight line directly from an attempt to capture requirements, you realize that the mechanism for developing the code of applications built using the Platform is directly translatable to and from a language used to describe what the application needs to do.

As the Product Team works with the Engineering Team, using Application Contexts and Trigrams to define the requirements of the application makes for a common language between the two teams, the language is will not only pervade the Product Requirements documentation, it'll also be visible directly in the code that is written to realize the requirements of the application.

Decoupled from the Start

When building applications using the TAO Programming Model, the features are decoupled from the start. Relying on message passing to affect the behavior of the application much in the way a Pub-Sub system works to decouple message Publishers from message Subscribers. The TAO Programming Model does this at a level where it is universal across your application.

As we know from the first half of the GoF Design Patterns book, the best way to decouple software components is to:

Principal: Design to an Interface

Effectively, building applications using the TAO Programming Model provides a mechanism for creating dynamic Interfaces. Each Trigram represents an Interface to which a handler can attach itself.

As new things or features are introduced to the application, new Trigrams will be formed based on the Terms, Actions and Orientations of the feature. New or old Features can attach to these Trigrams at any time, awaiting matching Application Contexts and reacting to them.

Platforms for Everyone

What if every application could be built as if it were a platform?

What if every application used the same mechanism to extend its functionality as it did to build its first feature?

What if every application were built upon a mechanism designed for evolving the application over the course of its lifetime, and that same mechanism was used to evolve it from its inception at day 0?

That's the effect of using the TAO Programming Model. It could be described as a Framework for building Platforms. You build up a Platform for your application that allows you to extend your application as if you were extending on a Platform. You also have the flexibility to make this available to Integrators wanting to build for your application.

The beauty of the TAO Programming Model is that it provides a way for application developers to build in a Platform design, a Platform mindset, without taking on the burdens of defining or designing a Platform. It comes as a Platform to start. It is a Meta-Platform used to build Platforms on which to build applications.

No Lock-In

The TAO Programming Model itself also has no opinions about what technologies to use or how to implement the functionality for interacting with a data store like an ORM. So as a Framework, you as a developer don't suffer from the strong opinions made for expediency.

Building applications using the TAO Programming Model, you are not locked into any specific technology choices made by the Framework developers. It's designed as a mechanism to help you build applications that are expected to evolve, so the TAO Programming Model aids you in that evolution.

Decoupling Apps from Architecture

Because of the design of the TAO Programming Model, there is a clear separation between what is used to define the Product and how that becomes part of the code as the App and the Network on which the App's Application Context messages and message handlers operate as the Architecture.

Using the TAO Programming Model we can define Apps with:

Also, with the TAO Programming Model we can define Architecture with:

As long as the Network implements the guarantees provided by the TAO Programming Model, we are free to change the App and Architecture independent of one another. Adding new Application Contexts and handlers will not affect the Network. Changing the Network implementation will not affect the Application Contexts or handlers used to implement our App.

Learn more in the page about it here

Embracing Entropy

All software heads toward entropy

… is a direct quote from my first career boss.

Since the TAO Programming Model was built to evolve from the start, it is designed to embrace this fact as outlined further in Entropy in Software

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