tao.js for koa

Use the @tao.js/koa package to integrate your koa app with tao.js and give it superpowers.

3 Types of Middleware

The @tao.js/koa package offers 2 ways to integrate tao.js with your koa application server:

  1. Connect your own HTTP API (REST or other) with your application server's TAO Signal Network using either:
  2. TAO HTTP Middleware - use to expose extension of a TAO Signal Network over HTTP as a single endpoint

Simple Middleware

If your koa application server is intended to serve its own REST (or other) API and you need to bridge the external API to your TAO network on the server, use the Simple Middleware which will give you a clean way to turn your API's HTTP requests into signals into your server's TAO network without worrying about:

  • sending the wrong response to the wrong client
  • sending the same response to all clients
  • responding on AppCons that should not generate a response to the client

Use the Simple Middleware to attach as a koa middleware as any other middleware, either at the root application server (aka koa app) or along any route where you need access to the primary TAO Signal Network for your server and you need a subset of TAO Handlers to handle sending a response back to your client.

Importing Simple Middleware

@tao.js/socket.io is designed to be imported on the server the export of a single default function. We must also use it to wire up the TAO so that should be imported as well:

import TAO from '@tao.js/core':
import { simpleMiddleware } from '@tao.js/koa';


const TAO = require('@tao.js/core').default;
const simpleMiddleware = require('@tao.js/koa').simpleMiddleware;

Initializing Simple Middleware

simpleMiddleware takes 3 options that you can use to control the behavior of the middleware:

option type default description
name string undefined used to control how the middleware will create names for the underlying TAO Signal Network objects
timeout number 3000 (3s) used dictate how long a request should wait in Milliseconds before the promise is rejected after not receiving a signal that one of the Response Handlers has been called
promise Promise built-in Promise a Promise constructor used to integrate with a Promise library to create promises instead of the built-in Promise implementation
const middlewareOpts = {
  name: 'my-fun-name',
  timeout: 60000 // 60s
const taoMiddleware = simpleMiddleware(TAO, middlewareOpts);


import * as Promise from "bluebird";
// OR
import {Promise} from "bluebird";
// OR
const Promise = require("bluebird");const middlewareOpts = {
  name: 'my-fun-name',
  timeout: 10000, // 10s
  promise: Promise, // Bluebird's Promise constructor
const taoMiddleware = simpleMiddleware(TAO, middlewareOpts);

Add Simple Middleware to koa app

Use the middleware() function in your instantiated simpleMiddleware to attach the middleware to your koa app.

This will add a ctx.tao prop that you can use in middleware added after the simpleMiddleware in order to send signals into your koa apps TAO Signal Network.


Adding Response Handlers to Simple Middleware

Response Handlers will provide the set of filtered Trigrams that signal the Promise used in your requests

taoMiddleware.addResponseHandler({ t: 'space', a: ['load', 'list'], o: 'anon' })

Setting Context (Signal) with Simple Middleware in the TAO Signal Network

When a request comes into your koa app that you want to turn into a Signal into the TAO Signal Network, you will make use of the tao prop on the koa ctx in the middleware handlers you add after the simpleMiddleware is added.

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  const reqData = getReqData(ctx.req);
  try {
    // Promise resolves with the AppCon handled by a ResponseHandler attached to the middleware
    // in this case we expect to get a {space,load,anon} with data containing a `Space` loaded
    // as a JSON object that is expected to return to the client
    const ac = await ctx.tao.setCtx({ t: 'space', a: 'find', o: 'anon' }, { id: reqData.spaceId });
    ctx.body = {
      space: ac.data.space,
  } catch (err) {
    // timeout was reached
    ctx.status = 500;
  return next();

Enhanced Middleware

Importing Enhanced Middleware

Initializing Enhanced Middleware

Add Enhanced Middleware to koa app

Controlling the Promise with Handlers

Setting Context (Signal) with Enhanced Middleware in the TAO Signal Network

TAO HTTP Middleware

If your koa application server intends to use HTTP as an interface for extending a TAO Signal Network to a backend, then you'll want to use the TAO HTTP Middleware in conjunctionn with TAO HTTP Client to wire up both networks as a single Signal Network operating over HTTP.

Signals or AppCons in a Signal Network extended over HTTP will be shared seemlessly across the physical network without additional implementation needed by you.

Importing TAO HTTP Middleware

Initializing TAO HTTP Middleware

Add TAO HTTP Middleware to koa app

Adding Response Handlers to TAO HTTP Middleware

Validating TAO HTTP Middleware Setup

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