RenderHandler API

Package: @tao.js/react

Named Export: RenderHandler

A React Component that is a TAO handler listening for AppCons to render its children to the component tree.


name required type default description
term no string or string[] defines a term or terms for the trigram the handler will subscribe
action no string or string[] defines a action or actions for the trigram the handler will subscribe
orient no string or string[] defines a orient(ation) or orient(ation)s for the trigram the handler will subscribe
context no string which key from the shared data context will be consumed and provided as the third arg to the handler
string[] which keys from the shared data context will be consumed and provided as additional args to the handler in the order they're specified in the array
shouldRender no bool false whether the child handler function is called by default before a matching AppCon has been set in the TAO


Children are required

RenderHandler makes use of a React pattern called function as a child to literally make us of a TAO handler to be the child of the RenderHandler which will have the same behavior as a TAO handler in that it will be called only when an AppCon matching the trigram(s) defined using the trigram props (above) has been set on the TAO Kernel from the closest ancestor Provider.

This means that the RenderHandler's children will only be added to the component tree once a desired AppCon has been set in the TAO.

This also means that once the RenderHandler's child handler function has been called and the return has been added to the component tree, they will remain until either:

  • the RenderHandler is unmounted OR
  • another matching AppCon is set on the TAO triggering a call the handler child function

This leads to RenderHandler children remaining in the component tree while other non-matching AppCons are set on the TAO.

shouldRender override

The default behavior of a RenderHandler not rendering its children to the component tree can be overridden by setting the shouldRender prop to true.


It's advisable but not required to create regular React Components as would be normal for any other React app, and wrap those components using RenderHandlers to pass data and decide when they should be added to the render tree.

Taken from the React Integration Guide, below we are exporting a component from an index.js file as a container that wraps the other components within the same folder and uses RenderHandlers to determine when each component is added to the render tree and how to get the proper data to them.


import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import TAO, { AppCtx } from '@tao.js/core';
import {
} from '@tao.js/react';
import List from './List';
import View from './View';
import Form from './Form';

// chain entering a Space with showing the View
  { t: 'Space', a: 'Enter', o: 'Portal' },
  (tao, { Space }) => {
    return new AppCtx('Space', 'View', 'Portal', { Space });

const SpaceContainer = props => (
    <h2 class="title">Spaces</h2>
    <RenderHandler term="Space" action="List" orient="Portal">
      {(tao, data) => <List data={data.Space} />}
    <RenderHandler term="Space" action="View" orient="Portal">
      {(tao, data) => <View Space={data.Space} />}
    <RenderHandler term="Space" action="Edit" orient="Portal">
      {() => <div>You must save for changes to take effect.</div>}
    <RenderHandler term="Space" action={['New', 'Edit'] orient="Portal"}>
      {(tao, data) => <Form Space={data.Space} editing={tao.a === 'Edit'} />}
    <RenderHandler term="Space" action="View" orient="Portal">
      {(tao, data) => <View Space={data.Space} />}

export default SpaceContainer;

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