Kernel API

Package: @tao.js/core

Named Export: Kernel

The Kernel is the base entry point of execution for tao.js apps. Application Contexts are set on a Kernel which then calls out to handlers which have been registered to trigrams that match the Application Context.



arg required type default description
handlers no Map used for cloning a Kernel when instantiated - should change to another Kernel
canSetWildcard no boolean false set to true to allow the Kernel to accept wildcard AppCons to be set

Used to construct a Kernel for use in an application. Any app importing the @tao.js/core package will have a default Kernel available as the default import from the package.

Use the Kernel constructor to instantiate additional Kernels to have separated buses on which to set AppCons.


arg required type default description
trigram yes & no Object the trigram representing the Application Context being set
data no Object or Array data associated with the Application Context being set

If canSetWildcard is false for the Kernal (which is the default), then all trigram args that do not specify all 3 values will be silently ignored.

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Context is being set:

data is used to set a specific Application Context by specifying what the AppCon is being set for. If not supplied as an arg, data will not be associated with the Application Context but an empty object will always be used when calling the handlers to prevent having to check for undefined.

data follows the same rules as for the AppCtx constructor. Not true: currently it only accepts being a single argument rather than a series of up to 3 - this should be changed for consistency?

When called, setCtx calls all of the handlers attached to the Kernel that match the trigram of the Application Context in the guaranteed order of operations.


arg required type default description
appCtx yes AppCtx the Application Context being set

If canSetWildcard is false for the Kernal (which is the default), then all appCtx args that do not specify all 3 parts of a trigram will be silently ignored.

When called, setCtx calls all of the handlers attached to the Kernel that match the trigram of the Application Context in the guaranteed order of operations.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should be sent to this Intercept Handler
handler yes function a handler function that will be called when an Application Context matching the trigram is set on the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts will be sent to the handler:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

Intercept Handlers have specific behavior defined in the Advanced > Intercept Handlers section of the Guide.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should be sent to this Async Handler
handler yes function a handler function that will be called when an Application Context matching the trigram is set on the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts will be sent to the handler:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

Async Handlers have specific behavior defined in the Advanced > Async Handlers section of the Guide.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should be sent to this Inline Handler
handler yes function a handler function that will be called when an Application Context matching the trigram is set on the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts will be sent to the handler:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

Inline Handlers have specific behavior defined in the Advanced > Inline Handlers section of the Guide.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should not be sent to this Intercept Handler
handler yes function a handler function that has been attached to the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts this handler should no longer receive:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

If the handler is not attached to the provided trigram then the request is silently ignored.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should not be sent to this Async Handler
handler yes function a handler function that has been attached to the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts this handler should no longer receive:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

If the handler is not attached to the provided trigram then the request is silently ignored.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object All wild trigram the trigram matching Application Contexts that should not be sent to this Inline Handler
handler yes function a handler function that has been attached to the Kernel

returns: Kernel - a reference to the Kernel that was called for chaining

trigram is an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts this handler should no longer receive:

If trigram is not provided, is empty, or does not have the correct keys, it will default to Wildcard keys for the parts of the trigram that are missing.

If the handler is not attached to the provided trigram then the request is silently ignored.


arg required type default description
resolveOn yes & no Object or Array single or list of trigrams on which to resolve the Promise
rejectOn yes & no Object or Array single or list of trigrams on which to reject the Promise
timeoutMs no number 0 a timeout in milliseconds after which the Promise should be rejected

returns: a setCtx function that will return a Promise which will resolve or reject based on the arguments provided.

At least one of either resolveOn or rejectOn must be provided to asPromiseHook or an Error will be thrown.

resolveOn and rejectOn are trigrams of the same form used by the add and remove handler methods of the Kernel, an object with keys specifying which Application Contexts this handler should no longer receive:

asPromiseHook adds Inline Handlers for each of the trigrams provided to it in the resolveOn and rejectOn args and cleans up after itself by removing those handlers just before resolving or rejecting the Promise.

asPromiseHook is late binding, meaning that it will add the handlers to the Kernel only after the returned setCtx function is called so that the handlers aren't called/executed until desired.

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