AppCtx API

Package: @tao.js/core

Named Export: AppCtx

AppCtxs represent Application Contexts explicitly in a TAO application. Additionally, AppCtxs are returned by handlers when the handler needs to trigger a change in Application Context. This is known as Chaining and is a very important part of TAO programming.



arg required type default description
term no string wild the term defining the Application Context
action no string wild the action defining the Application Context
orient no string wild the orient defining the Application Context no multiple the data defining the Application Context

term, action, and orient args are used to set the trigram attributes for this AppCtx representing a specific Application Context in your app.

data is used to set the specific nature of the Application Context represented by the AppCtx with several options for passing the data to the constructor:

  1. as an Object with keys of the same names as the trigram
  2. as an Object with properties named t or term, a or action, and/or o or orient
  3. as an Array ordered as [term, action, orient]
  4. as a set of up to 3 args in series ordered as term, action, orient

For examples see the Setting Application Contexts (AppCons)


arg required type default description
verbose no bool false whether to use full words for the trigram keys or not

returns: trigram Object

Use unwrapCtx to get a plain JavaScript Object with trigram keys for this AppCtx.

By default, unwrapCtx will return an Object with keys of t, a, and o with the values for each of the attributes of the trigram represented by the Application Context.

Specifying verbose as true will return an Object with keys of term, action, and orient instead of the default t, a, and o keys.


arg required type default description
trigram no Object or AppCtx another trigram to compare to this AppCtx
exact no bool false whether to match only exact trigrams or allow wildcards to match anything

returns: bool

isMatch can take another AppCtx or an Object with trigram keys (t/term, a/action, and o/orient) and check it against the AppCtx on which isMatch is called.

By default, isMatch allows wildcard trigram attributes to match anything on either side of the match.

Specifying exact as true means that the AppCtx must match the provided trigram arg exactly on all 3 trigram attributes.



read only
type: String

Returns the value of the term for the AppCtx


read only
type: String

Returns the value of the action for the AppCtx


read only
type: String

Returns the value of the orient for the AppCtx


read only
type: bool

Returns true if the term of the AppCtx is a wildcard term, false otherwise


read only
type: bool

Returns true if the action of the AppCtx is a wildcard term, false otherwise


read only
type: bool

Returns true if the orient of the AppCtx is a wildcard term, false otherwise


read only
type: bool

Returns true if any of the trigram attributes of the AppCtx are wildcard, false otherwise


read only
type: bool

Returns true if none of the trigram attributes of the AppCtx are wildcard, false otherwise


read only
type: Object

Returns the data portion of the AppCtx reflecting a specific Application Context for the trigram representation.

data will always return an Object, even if it is empty so there is no need to check for null or undefined.

The Object returned will have keys that match the trigram attribute values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""