Designing the App as a Platform

In order to meet the Packaging Requirements, you need to rethink how we not only deliver the product as a Product Line with various configurations rather than a single standalone Product, you need to consider how the product itself is built. Additionally, to provide the right type of API Requirements that will meet the needs of our VAR Partners, just providing a REST API isn't good enough as our Partners are looking for ways to embed functionality from other products into our Media Management products.

Based on these requirements, to offer the desired flexibility in our first roll out as well as provide future flexibility in the form of Features & Modules, you concluded it makes sense to architect our new build as a Platform. But what's the right way to do that?

Architecting the New Build

It's important that we need to see our application as a Platform instead of just a standalone Application in order to meet the Packaging Requirements. A Platform that has hooks for adding Features and Modules from Integrators and Module builders. If we see it in this way then naturally what if we take it further and look at it as a Platform on which we build our own Features and Modules, acting like Integrators and Module builders.

Normally, for a product that is a first build and has some uncertainty around customers and market fit, it would be crazy to consider building it as a platform, unless that is the product itself. I will demonstrate later that this isn't the case, but in the normal course of building applications, this would be prudent.

However, when we have a proven product, that is several years old and demonstrating value in the market to the point there is high demand, and it is undergoing a rewrite due to Technical Debt. In this case, when the desire is to ultimately provide a platform that would itself unlock a lot of potential value to not only our company, but to the Integrators we rely on for the bulk of our sales, then starting the new build as a Platform is a more prudent option from the start.

In deciding to move forward with a Platform Architecture, you determine that the first Integrators will be our team, and we will build up the functionality of our Product Line on top of a basic Platform. But what is that basic Platform? Where do we start with that?

Platform Extension

When desiging a Platform for software, the most important decision up front is what are the points of extension that will be used by developers to add functionality to the Platform.

Can we build upon our 3-Dimensional Matrix to become our extensions points?
I thought you'd never ask.


What's missing from our current Matrix Model?
Because they can have an important life of their own, separate business logic as well as a level importance to building Features and Modules, we're currently not accounting for Relationships between Entities, such as User-Content, User-Folder or Folder-Content relationships, in our current Matrix.

A simple fix is to elevate Relationships to be first-class like an Entity is within our model.

So now our example matrix is something like this:

Term C R U D Perspective
Content Portal
User Portal
User-Content Portal
Folder Portal
Folder-Content Portal
User-Folder Portal

Now we are covering anything that our data store would need to keep track of and surfacing it to our design via the Matrix Model.


Our Perspective s capture how we may store the data in different ways depending upon how it will be used, e.g. a very normalized version in our Admin database vs a denormalized version in our Portal's data store designed for handling high read throughput. Our Perspective also provides a bit more:

  1. we can split up our Modules to only listen for the Perspective they care about
  2. we can split up the logic used to manipulate the data between Perspectives

An example of #2 from above would be that when a piece of Content is Created via the Admin, its denormalized version will need to be Created in the Portal database. If our Content Module can have some sort of trigger when this occurs to execute the Portal logic after the Admin logic succeeds without the Admin logic being aware of it, then we've successfully decoupled the two through a useful extension point.

Thus, we now have an extension point mechanism we can use throughout the Platform.

Extending Functionality through Features

Now that we have a successful model of our Extension Points for the Platform, how do we want to go about adding Features to the Platform? Like, how would a developer add a Feature or Module to the Platorm itself?

Is it possible to use our Extension Point model for this, too?

What if we used Feature itself as a Term?

Individual Features can be created, read (loaded), updated (upgraded), and deleted (removed) from the Platform just like any other Entity. And as a Platform, it would need to keep track of these in the same way as any other data in order to surface them correctly.

Additionally, the relationship between Features and other Entities would be important in determining:

  • which Users can access a Feature?
  • which Content does a Feature apply to?

So if our Extension Point mechanism is also the same mechanism by which a Feature is added, loaded, and manipulated within the Platform, then we're truly on our way to a nice elegant design.

Moving Beyond CRUD

Next we'll see how moving beyond basic CRUD operations will allow us to understand our applications built using the Platform as a series of Application Contexts.

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