@tao.js/react RenderHandler Component

The main React Component used to integrate the TAO with our React app is the RenderHandler.

(All of the description below assumes a single Provider at the root of our React App. Please see the Provider doc page for more about advanced usage)

The RenderHandler is a React Component and a TAO handler attached to listen for AppCons matching its configured Trigram.


RenderHandler is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { RenderHandler } from '@tao.js/react';


const RenderHandler = require('@tao.js/react').RenderHandler;

Defining the handler Trigram

Use the term, action and orient props on the RenderHandler to define the Trigram the handler is listening for.

<RenderHandler term="Space" action="View" orient="Portal">

Defining Multiple Trigrams

Just like with a standard TAO handler, it's possible to use wildcard definitions for the Trigram of our RenderHandler. This is done by either ommitting the Trigram prop for the desired wildcard or by providing an empty string ("") as the prop value.

Additionally, as a convenience provided in the @tao.js/react package, all components can specify multiple values for any Trigram prop to capture more than one specific AppCon (remember, a wildcard will match any). This is done using an Array of values for the prop, e.g.:

<RencerHandler term={['User', 'Role']} action={['New', 'Edit']} orient="Portal">

When a Trigram prop on a RenderHandler has more than one value, the RenderHandler will calculate the cartesian product to determine all of the Trigrams to which the handler should be attached.

Using the above example code, that RenderHandler would attach a handler to the following Trigrams on the TAO:

  • {User,New,Portal}
  • {User,Edit,Portal}
  • {Role,New,Portal}
  • {Role,Edit,Portal}

Defining the handler Function

The handler function of the RenderHandler is defined as the child of the RenderHandler which makes use of the function as a child pattern from React.

The function child of RenderHandler has the same signature as a regular TAO handler and will be called only when an AppCon matching one of the RenderHandler's Trigrams matches, same as any other TAO handler.

<RenderHandler term="Space" action="View" orient="Portal">
  {(tao, data) => (
      <span className="space-title">{data.Space.name}</span></div>

RenderHandlers have render in the name to make it explicit that their children will only render once their handler is called.

Overriding Initial Render Behavior

It is possible to make the RenderHandler initially render when it is part of the component tree by setting a truthy value on the shouldRender prop.

The implication of this is that the RenderHandler will always render its children to the tree and the function as a child will be called with the following:

  • before any AppCons matching the RenderHandler's Trigram have been set on the TAO, the tao and data args will be undefined
  • after any AppCons matching the RenderHandler's Trigram(s) have been set on the TAO, the last values of tao and data will be passed in the args
<RenderHandler term="Space" action="View" orient="Portal" shouldRender={true}>
  {(tao, data) => {
    if (!data || !data.Space) {
      return (
        <div><span>Nothing to see here</span></div>
    return (
        <span className="space-title">{data.Space.name}</span></div>

It will be up to the component author to account for this behavior.

Consuming shared state from the data context

We mentioned before about Providers not just providing the common TAO Kernel to the components below it but to also providing a shared data context.

We can find how to add data to the shared data context using a DataHandler, and when we use this, every DataHandler has a required name prop.

To consume this data in a RenderHandler, we use the RenderHandler's context prop with the name or names of the DataHandlers we want to consume data from the shared data context.

When using the context prop in a RenderHandler, the data set in the shared data context from the DataHandler of the same name found in the context prop will be appended as an arg to the function as a child handler of the RenderHandler.

Here's an example of the App including the shared user of the app in the data context and the user being consumed by a RenderHandler somewhere below:


import React from 'react';
import TAO from '@tao.js/core';
import { Provider, DataHandler } from '@tao.js/react';
import AppComponents from './components';

const App = () => (
  <Provider TAO={TAO}>
      name="user" term="User" action="Enter" default={null}
      handler={(tao, data) => data.User}>
      <AppComponents />

export default App;


import React from 'react';
import { RenderHandler } from '@tao.js/react';import AccountSettings from './AccountSettings.js';

const Account = () => (<RenderHandler
    term="Account" action="Edit" orient="Portal"
    context="user"> {/* <-- name the 'user' context to consume the value set above */}
    { // the user value consumed from the data context is appended after the standard tao, data args
      (tao, data, user) => (
        <AccountSettings account={data.Account} user={user}/>

export default Account;

Consuming Multiple Contexts

To consume more than one named value from the shared data context, use an Array of Strings as the value for the context prop of the RenderHandler.

When we do this, the RenderHandler will append the data context values as args on the function as a child in the order in which they're listed in the context array, e.g.:

  term="Account" action="Edit" orient="Portal"
  context={['user', 'roles', 'location']}> {/* <-- setting multiple data context values to consume */}
  { // data context values are appended as args in the same order they are set in the context prop
    (tao, data, user, roles, location) => (

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