@tao.js/react hooks

Since React 16.8, Hooks are a new way to work with React to build functional components. This is not a guide to learn React Hooks. If you are totally new to React Hooks then you may want to check out their Guides here.

Building with React Hooks allows you to take advantage of using function components, aka React Components that are pure functions and don't rely on instantiating a class that inherits from React.Component.

This has many advantages I don't need to elicit here, but it is a preferred way to develop modern React applications so we want to ensure we support this style of development in the @tao.js/react package.

There are a few hooks available in the package, and they're all exported directly by name:

  • useTaoContext makes it easy to import the TAO Network into your component
  • useTaoInlineHandler makes it possible to use a hook to add an InlineHandler with specific dependencies to your component
  • useTaoAsyncHandler makes it possible to use a hook to add an AsyncHandler with specific dependencies to your component
  • useTaoInterceptHandler makes it possible to use a hook to add an IntercepteHandler with specific dependencies to your component
  • useTaoDataContext makes it possible to use a hook to import data into your component from a TAO DataContext provided by a DataHandler component higher up in your component hierarchy

All hooks require that a Provider is somehwere in the ancestry of the component you are using the hook within.


importing useTaoContext

useTaoContext is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { useTaoContext } from '@tao.js/react';


const useTaoContext = require('@tao.js/react').useTaoContext;

using useTaoContext

This is a hook that allows you to import and use the TAO Network provided by the Provider that wraps your component within your React Component. Underneath it's using the useContext hook to fetch the TAO included by the Provider which is not likely to change unless your app changes it.

Use the TAO you get back to add handlers or more than likely to setCtx or setAppCtx to send a signal into the network.

function MyComponent(props) {
  const TAO = useTaoContext();

  return (
      <a onClick={() => TAO.setCtx({ t: 'home', a: 'enter', o: 'app' })}>
        Go Home


importing useTaoInlineHandler

useTaoInlineHandler is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { useTaoInlineHandler } from '@tao.js/react';


const useTaoInlineHandler = require('@tao.js/react').useTaoInlineHandler;

using useTaoInlineHandler

Simply put, this is a hook that allows you to add an InlineHandler to the TAO network provided by the Provider that wraps your component within your React Component. The hook will add the provided handler to the TAO Network for the provided trigram and automatically remove the handler when the component unmounts.

The handler will be added after the first render and be removed whenever the render reruns due to a change in the component and readd the handler.

To only remove and readd the handler upon the change of specific variables, you can provide the dependencies as you would for the built-in useEffect hook on which this hook is based.

function MyComponent(props) {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const TAO = useTaoContext();

  // handler is removed and readded on next render to get latest value of count
  useTaoInlineHandler({ t: 'count', a: ['add', 'subtract'], o: 'app' }, (tao, data) => {
    const newCount = tao.a === 'add' ? count + 1 : count - 1;

  return (
      <p>Your count is: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={() => TAO.setCtx({ t: 'count', a: 'add', o: 'app' })}>
      <button onClick={() => TAO.setCtx({ t: 'count', a: 'subtract', o: 'app' })}>


importing useTaoAsyncHandler

useTaoAsyncHandler is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { useTaoAsyncHandler } from '@tao.js/react';


const useTaoAsyncHandler = require('@tao.js/react').useTaoAsyncHandler;

using useTaoAsyncHandler

Acts exactly the same as useTaoInlineHandler except it is adding an AsyncHandler to the provided network.


importing useTaoInterceptHandler

useTaoInterceptHandler is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { useTaoInterceptHandler } from '@tao.js/react';


const useTaoInterceptHandler = require('@tao.js/react').useTaoInterceptHandler;

using useTaoInterceptHandler

Acts exactly the same as useTaoInlineHandler except it is adding an AsyncHandler to the provided network.


importing useTaoDataContext

useTaoDataContext is a named export from the @tao.js/react package.

import { useTaoDataContext } from '@tao.js/react';


const useTaoDataContext = require('@tao.js/react').useTaoDataContext;

using useTaoDataContext

Unlike the other hooks from this library, this hook is used to get access to a DataContext created in a parent component using a DataHandler. Similar to how a RenderHandler can name a DataContext to include in its handler, this hook will provide access to the data in a named DataContext and provide an update when the data changes.

function MyComponent(props) {
  // name provided to useTaoDataContext matches name prop of parent DataHandler
  const user = useTaoDataContext('user');

  // updates to user will cause a rerender
  if (!user) {
    return <span>Hello. Please <a href="…">Login</a> to join the fun</span>;
  return (
    <span>Hello, {user.firstName} {user.lastName} ({user.username})</span>

// would normally be in separate file
function WrappingComponent(props) {
  return (
      term={['user', 'role']}
      action={['enter', 'leave']}
      handler={(tao, data, set, current) => {}}
      <MyComponent />

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