A new way of developing software with a few simple goals (more in the Intro: Motivations & Goals)
- Use a simplified language that elicits communication between Engineers and Product Managers
- Leverage that language to build the software
- Build software with the intent that it will evolve
What is tao.js?
Literally at the core, @tao.js/core
is a simple package to use in any App we build to
create Reactive Apps that espouse the principles outlined in the Reactive Manifesto
by implementing what's called the TAO Programming Model in JavaScript.
The whole thing is designed around generating 3-Dimensional Events in the form of a tuple with a specific shape that follows the acronym from its namesake (T.A.O.):
Term - the thing in the context - conceptually usually but not limited to a domain entity or relationship between entities
Action - the operation being performed on the thing in the context
Orient(ation) - the perspective of the interaction with the system at
the moment of this operation on this thing
These are called trigrams describing specific tuples with this
specific shape and appearing in this order.
Examples are:
These Events or Messages are defined in this way to be flexible enough to capture any Application Context that can occur in any App while being closed enough so as not to be infinitely diverse.
From there, we use the TAO
export of the package to add our listeners, known as
handlers in tao.js, like this:
import TAO from '@tao.js/core';
// add a handler
TAO.addInlineHandler({ t: 'Kids', a: 'Enter', o: 'Camp' }, (tao, data) => {
// handler implements a reaction to the specific AppCon (Event)
// - excerpted from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub7MkK-a0hU
alert(`Hi, kids! Welcome to Camp Krusty…<laughs>…I'll see you in a few weeks.
Until then I've turned things over to my bestest buddy in the whole wide world,
${data.Camp.director}. I want you to treat ${data.Camp.director} with the same
respect you would treat me. Now here's ${data.Camp.director}`);
// set the AppCon passing relevant data
TAO.setCtx({ t: 'Kids', a: 'Enter', o: 'Camp' }, {
Camp: { name: 'Camp Krusty', director: 'Mr. Black' }
So there you have it. On the surface it's very simple and easy to use. Add handlers for
Application Contexts (AppCons) in the form of trigrams and JavaScript functions with
2 arguments (the trigram as tao
and the particular data
for this occurrence). Next we
set those Application Contexts at the right time in the App to create the reactions.
With this simplicity comes a lot of power in the form of creating Apps that are:
- decoupled
- flexible
- designed to easily evolve
- easy to integrate
- horizontally scalable
- common Event-driven system across client & server
- common Message format for all environments
Give it a try and then read the guide that follows to learn more about all of the various capabilities you get by the way the library was defined.
There's more
tao.js encompasses a full JavaScript library of packages built to implement the TAO in JavaScript including making it easy to integrate with other popular JavaScript frameworks for building Apps.
All packages are published under the @tao.js
namespace and available from the
monorepo on Github.
Currently there are packages to integrate with:
- React.js - @tao.js/react
- Socket.io - @tao.js/socket.io
- and more to come…
Tell me more about this TAO thingy
The TAO is a programming paradigm designed around splitting up any System or Application into very granular constituent parts organized to respond to a common message format, a 3-dimensional tuple (trigram) with a very specific set of 3 attributes that can be used to describe any context which can occur within the System or Application (known here as Application Context).
Describing a System or Application as a Set of trigrams has the specific intent of making it easy to communicate in non-technical terms what the software should or intends to do.
Once the software has been sufficiently decomposed in this way, it is reconstituted thru generating and passing these messages to functions known as handlers that perform the value added activities of the program.
This is done using a Signal Network provided as part of the TAO Implementation which manages marshalling these messages to handlers. Leveraging the handler as the unit of execution allows the software built to run in any execution environment.
Power of a Common Form of Event & Message
By making all events and messages follow a common format, there is no longer any need to negotiate particular interfaces between the various layers or parts of a System or Application, thus making it a simplified programming paradigm to accept and encourage best practices in building software.
The downstream beauty of this is the meta-data provided by all of these Events is easy to siphon off to reporting and any other use for the data without additional effort in the generation.
Where to go Next
Take a look at the following resources to become more familiar with the TAO and tao.js:
- An Origin Story is a great place to understand how we evolved our thinking to create the TAO Programming Model
- Introduction section has a lot of introductory material to help you get up to speed depending on where you're coming from and why it's useful
- Basics will get you started on how to implement using the tao.js libraries