const diff = require('jest-diff');
const getMatchers = () => ({
toEqualOn(received, expected, ...props) {
let failedAt = '';
let pass = false;
let checkProps = props;
Eif (!checkProps.length) {
// use the expected object itself for props to check
checkProps = Object.keys(expected);
} else if (props.length === 1) {
// first arg is an array
if (props[0] instanceof Array) {
checkProps = props[0];
} else if (props[0] instanceof Object) {
checkProps = Object.keys(props[0]).filter(p => p);
// if (this.isNot) {
// pass = checkProps.some(p => {
// failedAt = p;
// return this.equal(received[p], expected[p]);
// });
// }
// else {
pass = checkProps.every(p => {
failedAt = p;
return this.equals(received[p], expected[p]);
// }
const message = pass
? () =>
this.utils.matcherHint('.not.toEqualOn') +
'\n\n' +
`Expected prop '${failedAt}' to not equal (using expect.toEqual):\n` +
` ${this.utils.printExpected(expected[failedAt])}\n` +
`Received:\n` +
` ${this.utils.printReceived(received[failedAt])}`
: () => {
const diffString = diff(expected, received, { expand: this.expand });
return (
this.utils.matcherHint('.toEqualOn') +
'\n\n' +
`Expected prop '${failedAt}' to equal (using expect.toEqual):\n` +
` ${this.utils.printExpected(expected[failedAt])}\n` +
`Received:\n` +
` ${this.utils.printReceived(received[failedAt])}` +
(diffString ? `\n\nDifference:\n\n${diffString}` : '')
return { actual: received, pass, message };
toBeIterable(received, ignoreStrings = false) {
const exists = received != null;
const isIterable =
exists && typeof received[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';
const isMatch = !ignoreStrings
? isIterable
: typeof received === 'string' ? false : isIterable;
const message = () =>
this.utils.matcherHint(`${isMatch ? '.not' : ''}.toBeIterable`) +
'\n\n' +
`Expected value ${isMatch ? 'not ' : ''}to be Iterable${
ignoreStrings ? ' (ignoring strings)' : ''
}, instead received:\n` +
` ${this.utils.printReceived(received)}`;
return { actual: received, pass: isMatch, message };
module.exports = getMatchers;